Living in Korea? or Canada?

I left to Canada for studying in Novemver 1999. I completed my Bachelar, Master, and Ph.D. Studies there and even tied a knot with whom I met at school. Following my husband (he got a job in Korea) I came back to Korea two years ago. Korea changed 'a lot' while I was in Canada. I have to admit that it's a bit challenge to me to get used to the change.

I like Korea, but also love Canada, too. Canada is the country where I spent my 20's and most of 30's. I went to Canada alone for studying. I stayed there for almost 17 years, so there are so many good and bad memories. I was lucky to complete the studies and achieve which I aimed for, but there was a moment when I failed. I want to share the knowledge I got from all these memories and experiences.

Wanna study in Canada? or live in Canada? Ask me, we can talk. Please feel free to contact me if you have any question. I am ready to share!

안녕하세요, 세종시에 사는 캐나다인입니다. 이 공간은 제가 1999년에 한국을 떠나 2016년 한국에 다시 돌아오기까지 캐나다에서 공부하면서 쌓은 경험들을, 캐나다에 대해서 궁금해 하시는 분들, 캐나다로 (또는 미국으로) 유학을 고민하시는 분들과 나누고 싶어서 만든 공간입니다. 17년 동안 살면서 쌓인 생활의 노하우, 학부, 석사, 박사공부를 마치는 동안 쌓인 학교, 입학절차 등등에 대한 정보 등..궁금하신 것들 같이 얘기해요.

Blog post example

September 16th, 2018
Tags: 세종시, 영어, 캐나다
Author: Simpson

Still working on this webpage...

아직 많은 부분 업데이트가...시간 날때마다 조금씩 부지런히 올리겠습니다. 부족하지만 예쁘게 봐주세요~

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